Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Another non-update

Well I probably should have not climbed this weekend because of my hurt pinky, but really the only thing that kept our crew from climbing up at Black Mt this Sunday was the fact that it had rained or snowed a few days last week, including Saturday, and we didn't want to risk the road being too messed up and/or dripping wet boulders. Instead, I opted for hard sessions of setting and bouldering at the gym on Sunday and Monday.
I'm still waiting to hear a report from Ian or Anthony about how their Sunday went up at Black.

I'm pretty psyched about getting up there and trying Twilight of the Idols, a beautiful line put up a few years ago that has been referred to as "the best v10 in California" by more than a few ascensionists. Rad pic here: 
pic by the BMB, borrowed from: http://blackmountainbouldering.blogspot.com/2011/05/april-2011.html

 As for this weekend's plans, I'll be celebrating my birthday a week late (yes I turned 26 last Thursday, and I feel exactly one year older) in Bishop. That means two days of shredding my tips on Buttermilk granite, and even with my bum pinky I am super duper psyched about it. Be there or be square (this is an open invitation to all reading this to show up in Bishop this weekend, November 18-20.)

Stay psyched and see ya out on the rocks!