Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Currently I'm in Israel. I've been climbing once already at a cool crag in the north called Gita, with a high concentration of hard routes, and will continue to explore more of the brilliant limestone that Israel has to offer,

Here is a crazy large praying mantis.

Here is a detail from a mosaic by one of Maya's distant relatives.

Here are cows, with the town of Gita in the background.

And here I am sending the easiest route at the Fuel Sector of Gita, "Super Fuel," 7a+/5.12a. My belayer is Ofer Blutrich, Israel's resident stongmo, who has been kind enough to kick off my Israeli climbing tour.

Stay tuned for more, the best pictures have yet to come.


  1. Wow, dude. Looks like you're really enjoying yourself. How was the Bar Mitzvah?

  2. Tomer's Bar Mitzvah was nice. The party was at this cool restaurant/lounge space in kind of a rundown, artsy part of south Tel Aviv. You woulda liked it.
