Also, here is one of 13-year-old badass Richard Boyle on an "easier," yet scary route. The pink lines indicate potential new hard (at least 5.14) lines that have yet to be bolted. Curious.

Yesterday my buddy and boss Bill and I, along with our friend Pete headed out to Black Velvet Canyon in Red Rock super early for a morning bouldering session. We met at the trailhead at 6:30 am, so you can imagine the heinousness of the alpine start to get out there by then (4:45 alarm). We worked a couple of hard established problems, one of which (last photo below) Pete established previously, and one that Ethan Pringle established a few years ago. We also tried a shorter hard line with a vicious one-finger-pocket pull, that I'd like to go back and actually do. I will leave you with some photos of that brilliant early morning session. I can't wait for the weather to turn and to get back out there. Stay tuned to this blog for more periodic updates and hopefully soon for a link to my professional website. Until then, feel free to peruse the archives if you're here looking for art or photography.

Bill smacking the first move of Wet Dream.

Pete Lowe working Wet Dream. The holds on this thing are amazing.

Pete trying the Woods/Cardwell approved beta on his problem, Abbadon.

Roscoe dog napping.

You're living the life, man. Enjoy it. =)
ReplyDeleteP.S. That white car looks pretty sweet. I wish I could have one like that...
haha. Pete takes it QUICK, but I would never take yours back there.